PO Box 2382, Vacaville, CA 95687 sanctuarychurchinfo@gmail.com

Sanctuary Church Covid Updates


May 2022 Update

While much of the state and country have opened up and many things have returned to some level of normalcy, we want to remain aware of the ongoing challenges we face with Covid-19.

Some things to remember:

  • As a church a remain committed to following guidelines put out by out county. 
  • If you have been near someone who has had COVID for have symptoms that are possible signs of Covid, please stay home and get checked to see if you are positive. 
  • If you do not feel comfortable meeting in public, we encourage you to watch, or continue watching online.  God’s presence is as much in your home as he is in the church. You can also. watch from our Family Room!
  • If you do attend in person, please recognize the risks associated with it.

Some things to consider:

  • While we are encouraged to live by faith, we also must live with wisdom, grace and compassion.  Many have very fair and valid reasons to remain concerned about contracting the virus that are not based on fear, but on real and honest concerns.
  • We will continue to follow guidelines as instructed- even if some restrictions are put back in to place due to an upswing in COVID cases. 
  • While we are able to reopen, some practices put in to place will remain.  Such practices are: how we take offering, how we serve communion, how we serve snack and coffee individual servings, and/or wrapped items.  
  • In all things be considerate and compassionate in how we respond to the changes. 

What You Can Continue to Do:

  • Pray for our state and local leaders who are navigating these changes on a larger level.
  • Make decisions and state opinions from a place of grace and compassion.
  • Be mindful of where others are at in this season.  Some are ready to throw the mask off and get on with things, while others are still very cautious of the virus.  Let us be respectful and mindful of this.  (This might mean, in certain situations, wearing the mask out of consideration for others. I make a point of asking others what they are comfortable with and respect guidelines for this reason.)

January 2022 Update

With the spread of Omicron, and the high numbers of infections taking place, the advisory board and I want to let you know what we have discussed and are doing as church and remind what policies are in place. 

What We Are Doing and Asking for the Next Few Sundays:

– We are requiring you to wear a mask when attending a service or at any function at Sanctuary Church.
– We have masks available and sanitizer through the facilities.
– We are implementing a no touching, no hugging policy!  We can wave at a distance 
– We are again spacing chairs out during this time.  Even though you are invited to still attend if you are comfortable doing so, we want to keep people at a comfortable distance.
– If you are not feeling wellhave been recently exposed and have not had a negative test, or do not feel comfortable being in public places, we encourage you to worship with us online!  
– If you are a volunteer, but do not feel comfortable attending at this time, please do not feel obligated to attend.  Just let us know, and we will work it out!
– If you are comfortable being out in public and okay with taking necessary precautions, then you are welcome to join us.  But please know, if for any reason, we encourage you to worship at home as needed.

NOTE: Take time to pray for our church family and community.  While it seems (as far as we know right now) that the latest variant isn’t as severe, it appears to be very contagious.  Pray for those working the front lines of this in hospitals and care facilities (many of our own work on the front lines) and pray for those being impacted by the virus. 

November 2021 Update

While much of the state and country have opened up and many things have returned to some level of normalcy, we want to remain aware of the ongoing challenges we face with Covid-19.

Some things to remember:

  • As a church a remain committed to following guidelines put out by out county.  Visit our church’s Covid Webpage for ongoing updates.
  • If you have been near someone who has had COVID for have symptoms that are possible signs of Covid, please stay home and get checked to see if you are positive. 
  • Notify the Church if you have recently attended and have been near someone who has had Covid so we can make those aware who have possibly been infected.
  • If you do not feel comfortable meeting in public, we encourage you to watch, or continue watching online.  God’s presence is as much in your home as he is in the church.
  • If you do attend in person, please recognize the risks associated with it.

Some things to consider:

  • While we are encouraged to live by faith, we also must live with wisdom, grace and compassion.  Many have very fair and valid reasons to remain concerned about contracting the virus that are not based on fear, but on real and honest concerns.
  • We will continue to follow guidelines as instructed- even if some restrictions are put back in to place due to an upswing in COVID cases. 
  • While we are able to reopen, some practices put in to place will remain.  Such practices are: how we take offering, how we serve communion, how we serve snack and coffee individual servings, and/or wrapped items.  
  • In all things be considerate and compassionate in how we respond to the changes. 

What You Can Continue to Do:

  • Pray for our state and local leaders who are navigating these changes on a larger level.
  • Make decisions and state opinions from a place of grace and compassion.
  • Be mindful of where others are at in this season.  Some are ready to throw the mask off and get on with things, while others are still very cautious of the virus.  Let us be respectful and mindful of this.  (This might mean, in certain situations, wearing the mask out of consideration for others. I make a point of asking others what they are comfortable with and respect guidelines for this reason.)

June 2021 Update

Throughout this pandemic season, our church has strived to follow guidelines and policies as best we can per county and state regulations.  We continue and will continue to do so, having done so based on what we believe the Bible teaches about following governing authorities.  __________________________________________________________
Governor Newsom has announced that California would “fully re-open” on June 15, 2021.  California has adopted changes starting June 15, 2021.

What does this mean for our churches?

  • No capacity restrictions.
  • No physical distancing restrictions.
  • No singing restrictions
  • Masks: The State requires unvaccinated individuals to mask when indoors, unless they qualify for an exception.
    • Per state guidelines we will post a notice about the requirement and allow people to self-attest that they are compliant.

What We Are Doing:

  • We ask that you wear as a mask if unvaccinated as instructed by state guidelines.
  • We invite you to wear a mask (we will still provide them at the front door) if you are more comfortable doing so.
  • We will continue to keep the water fountains turned off and offer bottles of water at our concessions area (Along with coffee and snacks!)
  • We will now be providing Single Serve Coffee with our new Keurig Coffee Maker!
  • We will continue to be online for those not comfortable meeting in person.

Some things to know and consider:

  • Pray for our state and local leaders who are navigating these changes on a larger level.
  • We will continue to follow guidelines as instructed- even if some restrictions are put back in to place due to an upswing in COVID cases. 
  • Be mindful of where others are at in this season.  Some are ready to throw the mask off and get on with things, while others are still very cautious of the virus.  Let us be respectful and mindful of this.  (This might mean, in certain situations, wearing the mask out of consideration for others. I make a point of asking others what they are comfortable with.)
  • While we are able to reopen, some practices put in to place will remain.  Such practices are: how we take offering, how we serve communion, how we serve snack and coffee individual servings, and/or wrapped items.  
  • In all things be considerate and compassionate in how we respond to the changes. 

Below are two documents that speak well biblically to why we follow county guidelines, even when it seems to not be convenient, and why we as a church operate and function as we do during this season.



REOPENING- Jesus, in Matthew 5, said that our purpose was to bring salt and light to this earth. This is our moment for such a command to be obeyed and fulfilled through the Spirit of God. The message of God’s love for us is not hindered by less of us in the room, wearing masks and other guidelines put forth by the CDC.

God draws us individually to be forgiven, restored, and redeemed. He brings us together to experience community and worship as one voice. He commissions us to go and be disciple makers, salt and light. As we come back together may we also go out in the power of the Spirit in a new a emboldened way. Let it be our prayer that the Solano County feels the impact of the church doors reopening, and may they come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Sanctuary Church exists so that people can come to know and follow Jesus.  This drives what we do and why we do it.


Starting October 11th, we will begin to reopen.  As with many of the decisions that have taken place these last few weeks, it comes with a varied number of opinions and concerns. Based on the guidelines set forth by the CDC, discussion among our advisory committee, the advice of our denomination’s leadership and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we have set forth the following guidelines:

We will plan to reopen our main service with guidelines in place. Most likely, everyone will find a regulation that they are not excited about.  That is okay.  We ask you to put aside personal preference and opinion for the great unity and witness of the church.

The first couple of weeks may be bumpy.  We may have technical issues, run in to unxpected hiccups, and feel different, but that is okay!  We ask for your patience and for your help.  If you are willing and able to serve in some capicity, let us know by emailng Olga at info@tsvv.org.

We will do all that we can to comply with local government restrictions and recommendations. Thankfully, Solano County and our City officials are leading the way in opening up the city on a manageable timeline, compared to many California counties.

We will continue to offer online services and online bible studies.  Our online service and online bible studies will continue as part of the ministry of Sanctuary Church.

We will not judge or speak out against any other churches or individuals who are moving ahead or behind our timelines. Every pastor, along with their leadership team, must do what they believe is best for their community and where the Lord is leading them.

We will not provide Kids Ministry at this time. Like many churches, we will encourage children to stay with their families.  We will provide activities they can do at their seats.  We will also create “family rooms” that will be places for families to take their children if needed.

We are creating a cleaning team that will prepare the church for reopening.  We invite you to be a part of that team!  Let us know if you can help.  This ensures we start off on the right foot and provides a clean facility in conjunction with guidelines.

Guidelines For Those Who Join Us At the Church on Sundays:

  • We ask you wear a mask when on campus.
  • Practice social distancing of 6 ft.
  • Your temperature will be taken upon entry.
  • Hand sanitize or wash hands upon entry.
  • Keeps kids with you at all times

Things to Know:

  • We will frequently clean high-touch surfaces and facilities (weekly)
  • No food or beverage will be available at this time.
  • We will have a greeter opening the door as you enter before services and taking your temperature.
  • Auditorium doors will remain open during service.
  • Seating will be set up to accommodate family units and 6 feet distancing.
  • Communication will continue to be done via email and text messages only.
  • There will be designated entry & exit doors to accommodate social distancing
  • Offering will be either placed in the black box in the back wall or given online.
  • Communion cups will be available on communion Sundays in a basket.
  • Refrain from hugging, shaking hands and touching.
  • Arrive shortly before service (our doors will not open before 9:30 am) and head to your seats.
  • Any fellowship or conversation needs to be done outside and maintain social distance.

Why are These Guidelines in Place?

  • COVID19 is a respiratory disease: it infects the lungs and spreads mostly through the nose and mouth. Basic prevention includes frequent hand-washing, use a face covering, physical distancing, and staying at home if you are sick. 
  • These guidelines have been recommended by the Health Department of California. 
  • These guidelines are encouraged by the leadership of our denomination.
  • These guidelines are followed with the intention of good witness to our community.

Reasons You Should Continue Worshiping at Home:

  • You are not comfortable with being in public places
  • You are not comfortable with the guidelines set in place
  • You or someone in your family have symptoms of COVID-19 or have knowingly been exposed to the virus.