PO Box 2382, Vacaville, CA 95687 sanctuarychurchinfo@gmail.com

Blessing Olga

Hello Sanctuary Fam!

Today is Olga’s birthday, and Christmas is just around the corner, and I thought it would be wonderful for us as a church family to show our love to Olga!

She has served Sanctuary Church faithfully for over a decade, and has had such a tremendous impact on many of our lives in those years.

Here’s what I’d like to invite you to do:

This week, lets shower her with love to show her appreciation for all she does for Sanctuary Church, to wish her a happy birthday, and to bless her this Christmas!

Over the next week, send her a card of appreciation, letting her know how she has impacted you.  Bring her, email her, mail her, text  or drop off a gift for her.  It can be a simple starbucks card, meal card, etc.  It doesn’t have to be anything big and fancy, just something that says we love and appreciate her.

If you give a gift through the church, we will make sure she gets it!

She doesn’t know this is happening- so lets have some fun and show her some love 🙂